Johanna Gonschorek *1989 is an artist living and working in Munich. She studied Cultural Sciences, Art History, Art Theory, Art Pedagogy and Fine Arts. Her approach is interdisciplinary. From 2017 to 2019 she was part of the artistic and curatorial team of Ruine München and worked in different political and institutional contexts.
Geschichten, Stimmen und Materialien treten im Hier und Jetzt in einen Dialog. Die Objekte im Raum sind Telefonzellen nachempfunden. Episteme und Zeitkonzept der Kunstgeschichtsschreibung werden hinterfragt und durch die zusätzliche Auswahl von Texten von Edith Matilda Thomas und Lita Grey kontextualisiert. Künstlerinnen des öffentlichen Lebens der Vergangenheit, deren Stimmen von anderen, meist denen von männlichen Künstlern überlagert wurden, wird in der Installation Raum gegeben. Die Lyrik von Edith Matilda Thomas war zu ihrer Zeit in den USA sehr renommiert, die Schauspielerin und Performerin Lita Grey stellte sich 1927 in einem öffentlichen Gerichtsprozess gegen ihren damaligen Ehemann Charlie Chaplin, welcher sich im Prozess wiederholt des Missbrauchs verantworten musste. Durch recyceltes und bearbeitetes Material im direkten und übertragenen Sinne wird der Komplex von Geschichte und Material skulptural bearbeitet und kuratorische Entscheidungen in die künstlerische Arbeit eingewoben um sich selbst zu rekontextualisieren.
Stories, voices and materials enter into a dialogue in the here and now. The objects in the room are modeled on telephone booths. Episteme and concept of time of art historiography are questioned and contextualized by the additional selection of texts by Edith Matilda Thomas and Lita Grey. Female artists of the past, whose voices have been eclipsed by other voices, mostly those of male artists, are given space in the installation. The poetry of Edith Matilda Thomas was very renowned in her time in the USA, the actress and performer Lita Grey turned herself in 1927 in a public court case against her then husband Charlie Chaplin, who repeatedly had to answer for abuse in the trial. Using recycled and processed material in a direct and figurative sense, the complex of history and material is sculpturally processed, and curatorial decisions are woven into the artistic work in order to recontextualize itself.
I am Lita Grey (1908 - 1995)
spoken by Paulina Nolte
written by J. Gonschorek after the book „Ich war Charlie Chaplins Frau“,
Acrylic glass, iron sheet, metal stand, speaker
The Poplar
spoken by Jo Penca and J. Gonschorek
written by J. Gonschorek
Poplar wood, paper, metal stand, speaker
The Tears of the Poplars
spoken by Anna McCarthy
written by Edith Matilda Thomas (1854 -1925) Recycled Art History catalogues, metal stand, speaker
I’m the Wife of the Life of the Party
spoken by Paulina Nolte
words and music by Pearl and Arthur Lippman, property and copyright of Lita Grey Chaplin Iron sheet, metal stand, speaker, sticker
The Ceramic
spoken by Justin Lieberman
written by J. Gonschorek
Different ceramic materials, metal stand, speaker