+49 / 89 / 3852 -257

academic assistant, Prof. Gregor Hildebrandt


Maria Justus investigates fragments drawn from the past and future, as well as from memory and experience. By combining, distorting, and redefining visual and conceptual elements, she constructs interdisciplinary work cycles in which paintings, sculptures, videos, and photographs engage in dynamic interrelation. Fractures—whether arising from material decay, historical events, or biographical disruptions— create space to be filled with new content, with ideas, theories, or materials and allow for the intersection of past and future, reconstruction and imagination.



A.O2.49, A.O2.17, Akademiestr. 2


Class rooms

A.O1.10 & AO1.24

Since February 2024 Deputy Gender Equality Officer, Academy of Fine Arts Munich
Since 2021 Academic Assistant in the Class of Gregor Hildebrandt, Academy of Fine Arts Munich
Winter Semester 2023/24 + Summer Semester 2024 Teaching Assignment in Exhibition Conceptualization, Art and Multimedia Program, Ludwig Maximilian University Munich
2017 Diploma in Painting and Graphics, Academy of Fine Arts Munich