Hjalmar Fors | Vortrag
Datum & Uhrzeit: 2023-11-14 15:00
Ort: Akademie der Bildenden Künste München | Akademiestr. 2
Raum: Altbau | A.O2.23


Hjalmar Fors is one of the foremost researchers of alchemy in Europe. The lecture introduces basic alchemical concepts concerning the generation of metals such as the Aristotelian four elements (earth, water, air and fire), chymical gold-making, sulphur-mercury theory, and the three Paracelsian principles. It discusses how such theories came to be replaced with the concept of metallic elements, conceived as building blocks of nature. It concludes with some remarks on the relationship between alchemy/chemistry, the doctrine of correspondences of natural magic, and early modern allegorical art.


*The lecture will be held in English.




Know-hows: making-knowing

Since Greek antiquity, the concept of episteme (theoretical, intellectual knowledge) has been contrasted with that of techne (practical knowledge, which is required for making-poiesis, and doing-praxis). In relation to feminist theories of materiality, an analogy arises between the power relationships and dualisms such as mind-body, theory-practice, nature-culture as well as art-craft. Know-hows: making-knowing is a series of lectures/seminars and workshops that looks at making knowledge not only as embodied knowing, a tacit and experiential knowledge, but also as a critique, action and debate that is interconnected within current social, ecological and theoretical contexts, for instance in contemporary craft, post-human and new materialism discourse. We will reflect on different approaches to the topic and explore alternative forms of knowing in material practice that can integrate the “self” and “others”, expanding the understanding of making as a new mode of practice-based research in artistic practice.


Organised and moderated by Prof. Dr. Nicolas Cheng


Register by email as the number of seats are limited.
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Next Events:

Prof. Dr. Jenni Sorkin
Professor. University of California, Santa Barbara, USA


Prof. Dr. Susan Schuppli
Professor. Goldsmiths University of London, UK


Further information will follow.