Ausstellung mit Iris Böhnlein, Lukas Brüggebusch, Marlon Fleischer, John Heredia Herrera, Florian Moldan, Ludwig Neumayr, Pnik und Christoph Wiedemann
Datum: Do | 15.11.2018 So | 18.11.2018
Öffnungszeiten: Öffnungszeiten nach Vereinbarung (0157/80789687)
Finissage: So | 18.11.2018 | 19:00 Uhr | Bunter Abend
Ort: Garching Living Center | Einsteinstrasse 3 | 85748 Garching
Garching Living Center offers living space to almost two hundred people. It also provides working and leisure environments, which serve as social points of contact. In an exhibition, taking place in the common rooms of GLC, we are confronting our practice with this spacial concept in order to explore the results it has on living together.