Eröffnung MI 28.06.17 | 19:30 Uhr

Ausstellung 29.06. - 11.07.17

Öffnungszeiten DO - SA 16:00 - 19:00 Uhr sowie nach Vereinbarung

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I invite you to join me in a room of collected sadness,
placed in small boxes and handled with care.

Where grieving becomes individual, it appears in a delicate
range of chubby shapes.

When a body is forever calm but the spirits are joined
by the hands and dance in circles to the sound of a
high-pitched voice.

When a funeral becomes
an occurance of repetition,
a happening of thought,
an organized ceremony.

: where bad breath has no meaning
: when emotions are mixed to juice
and solitude is made team captain.

: where the constructed sorrow awaits.

I invite you to join
and be joined by the cold
thought of death.
Protected by the sincere
feeling of something soft
and the calming scent of

Sent from peaches