• Jakob Braito, Anja Lekavski, Diogo Da Cruz u.a. | Magazin-Release & Video Screening
  • Datum & Uhrzeit Do | 11.04.2024 | 20:00 Uhr
  • Ort Favorit Bar | Damenstiftstr. 12


20 (PARA) Seconds: Issue 6 ist eine Kooperation zwischen PARA und dem Kunst- und Musikmagazin 20 Seconds Magazine. Diese parasitäre und temporale Kohabitation untersucht die Verarbeitbarkeit von transponierten Zeitstrukturen, die Spannung zwischen Fiktion und Nicht- Fiktion und die Möglichkeiten von Partizipation und Performance innerhalb von Druckerzeugnissen.
Daran beteiligt sind Künstler*innen und Autoren*innen wie Lawrence English, Felicia Atkinson, Jol Thoms, Anna Jermolaewa, Disappearing Berlin, Katatonic Silentio, Steph Holl-Trieu, Bogomir Doringer, Dick Higgins, Diogo da Cruz & Fallon Mayanja, PYUR & Nitsan Margaliot und das AAP Archive.


Kuration: Jakob Braito, Anja Lekavski, Kalas Liebfried
Grafik Design: Carlota Barberán, Carina Güttler
Art Direction: Anja Lekavski
Herausgeber: Daniel Melfi


Video screening “Deep Sea Rising” by Diogo da Cruz & Fallon Mayanja (31 min | OV + ENG Sub | Portugal, Germany | 2022)

"After the Atlantic Research Centre has been bought by a mining company, biologist Nadia Eckel returns to the Azores. This time with a very clear task: to present a report that confirms the resilience of the seabed biosphere, allowing the progress of deep-sea mining. However, in the course of analysing different water samples, both from the ocean floor and from other environments on the island, Eckel starts a dialogue with an unknown life form. Going back hundreds of years, Carlota and Aidan talk about the crossing that brought them to the island during a late afternoon walk. As the conversation unfolds, it becomes clear that Aidan lives beyond the human timescale and reappears in different forms throughout history, including after the extinction of the human species.Through microscopic and macroscopic perspectives of the island’s volcanic environment, the film invites us to reflect on the ubiquity of water and to look at the Atlantic not only as the place of origin of life, but also as a container of memory, a witness of colonial crimes committed by European countries. It is also a reminder that the seabed is largely unknown, and that it may harbour life forms capable of retaliating if humans continue to damage the marine environment."


Das Projekt wurde gefördert von der LfA Förderbank und der Landeshauptstadt München - Referat für Kunst und Kultur.