• Matteo Lisanti, Chiara Mecenero | Ausstellung
  • Datum Fr | 05.07.2024
  • Sa | 06.07.2024
  • Öffnungszeiten Fr | 18:00 - 23:00 Uhr, Sa | 16:00 - 23:00 Uhr
  • Ort space n.n. | Gabelsbergerstr. 26


What do Italians do in Munich when they would like to drink a Negroni in their most trusted bar but can't? They take their trusted Italian bar to Munich!
Bar Sport was born from the need to reflect on recent global socio-political situations through the bar ecosystem. By recreating within the exhibition space the atmosphere of a sports bar whose regulars are football fans and heavy drinkers, the artists' culture of origin meets that of the host city. The group invades the gallery with a site-specific installation and a happening in which typical Italian drinks are served at the bar, mixing art with everyday life and blurring the distance between them, allowing the creation of a place of confrontation and dialogue.
Reflecting on the military reminiscences of which soccer is imbued during the period of the European Championships in Germany, a space of encounter/clash is created, in which the elements that normally characterise one's identity, such as choruses, colours and fantasies, are remixed to give life to a new, possible but non-existent football team. Mirroring the different modes of encounter and cultural exchange that characterise the human movements of contemporary society, Bar Sport is proposed as a moment of play, fun, clash and encounter within a popular dimension in which the collective recognises itself as a non-culturally identified individual. Salute!