Patrik Thomas, Mathias R. Zausinger | Filmscreening
Datum & Uhrzeit: Do | 15.12.2022 | 19:00 Uhr
Ort: Villa Waldberta | Höhenbergstr. 25 | Feldafing


BOALÂNDIA documents the cultural resistance in the metropolises of Brazil. The protagonists are the Cineclubistas, activists who fight for change with cinema. The documentary follows them into the improvised venues, often located in the peripheries and onto spontaneous film sets. In doing so, it delves into the living conditions of people in the outskirts of Brazilian cities, which are characterized by insecurity and political tensions. As a reaction, the Cineclubes function as a social institution as well as an agile commentary on the grievances, enlivened by the fascination for the potential of an independent filmmaking process, using local, underrepresented narratives. The Cineclubes are places of hope and self-determination. BOALÂNDIA is set in this utopian space, inscribed in an uncompromising and highly accelerated social environment. In order to depict the situation of the activists and the high pace of life, the film itself takes over the contemporary means of communication and places the smartphone and its dual function as recording device, display and recording interface - as a universal image machine - in the visual center of BOALÂNDIA. A film about filmmaking in 2021: participative, fast, resistant.


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