Daniel Loick | Vortrag
Datum & Uhrzeit: Mi | 12.01.2022 | 19:00 Uhr
Ort: Achtung, Änderung: online, https://zoom.us/j/9863996363?pwd=c2Y1Uk9FaG9vVTlOWHYrTWdXOUlLQT09
Datenschutz: Ergänzende Hinweise - https://www.adbk.de/de/datenschutzerklaerung.html


Daniel Loick teaches political and social philosophy at the University of Amsterdam. He works on critical theories of state-violence as well as subaltern forms of sociality. In his recent publications he is specifically concerned about the different functions of the police as a governmental institution and the implications of it's monopoly on the use of force. In his lecture titled POLICE ABOLITION AND RADICAL DEMOCRACY he will provide an insight into the utopian thought how to abolish the police and establish a society without state power. In his research he is rooting this thought back to the abolitionism as the radical political 19th century movement to end slavery in the United States.


*The lecture will be held in English.


Achtung, Änderung: der Vortrag wird online stattfinden.

Link zum Vortrag




Vortrag im Rahmen von I did not see it coming.

Mit I did not see it coming schaffen Studierende der Klasse Olaf Nicolai im Februar gemeinsam mit Gästen in der Lothringer 13 Halle eine temporäre Struktur für politische und ästhetische Auseinandersetzung mit Formen von Gewalt.