• Wechselnde Vortragende | Online-Vortragsreihe
  • Ort Online, https://eu02web.zoom-x.de/j/65030253701?pwd=d0dGajludG83dU1kY2dwc0xKSm5QQT09
  • Veranstaltungen Termine: 31.10.2023, 21.112023., 12.12.2023, 16.01.2024, jeweils 18:00 Uhr
  • Datenschutz Ergänzende Hinweise - https://www.adbk.de/de/datenschutzerklaerung.html
(Resisting) Extractivism
Ⓒ DESIGN EARTH, Pacific Aquarium, Parliament of Refugees, 2016

Online-lecture series in the context of the nationwide, transdisciplinary project „Mining. Abbau der Zukunft“ („Mining. Extracting the Future“)

Concept and organization: Susanne Witzgall, cx/Academy of Fine Arts Munich in cooperation with the Zeppelin Museum, Friedrichshafen; Museum of Work, Hamburg, Grassi Museum fürVölkerkunde, Leipzig and the Deutsches Bergbau-Museum Bochum, Leibniz Research Museumfor Geo-resources

Conference language: English

In a literal sense extractivism means „the forced removal of raw materials and life forms from the earth’s surface, depth, and biospheres“ (Mezzarda/Neilson). It refers in particular to the mining of non-renewable fossil fuels, of building materials and raw earth minerals. Additional to these more comprehensive forms of exploitation however, the term also includes the plundering of agricultural land, oceans, genetical resources, digital data or labour power. Extractivism, so the cross-disciplinary belief, can be determined as the central logic of contemporary capitalist societies and shows an upward trend despite it’s devastating ecological and social record.

The lecture series „(Resisting) Extractivism“ brings together contributions by artists and theorists who, in the light of this troubling trend, critically analyze the (neo)extractive principle of globalized capitalism and conceive resistant models. The different artistic and scientific approaches explore how the exploitative mechanism of the extractive logic operates, with which strategies of ap- and expropriation they are connected and in what way such strategies are rooted in the history and persistent presence of colonialism and racism. They visualize the devastating effects of an excessive extractivism and imagine or realize postextractivist life forms as well as oppositional aesthetic and activist practices.

Tuesday, 31st of October 2023, 6 p.m.
Extractive Capitalism (in cooperation with Zeppelin Museum, Friedrichshafen)
Armin Linke, artist, photographer and filmmaker, Berlin
Elizabeth Povinelli, Franz Boas Professor of Anthropology and Gender Studies at Columbia University

Tuesday, 21st of November 2023, 6 p.m.
Mining Waste (in cooperation with Deutschen Bergbau-Museum Bochum, Leibniz ResearchMuseum for Geo-resources)
Design Earth (Rania Ghosn, El Hadi Jazairy), speculative architects, Cambridge, MA/Ann Arbor, Michigan
Myra J. Hird, Professor in the School of Environmental Studies, Queen’s University, Canada

Tuesday, 28th of November 2023, 6 p.m.

Unfortunately, this event will not take place! 
White Geology (in cooperation with Museum of Work, Hamburg)
Otobong Nkanga, artist, Antwerp
Kathryn Yusoff, Professor for Inhuman Geography, Queen Mary Universität, London

Tuesday, 12th of December 2023, 6 p.m.
Decolonial Visions I (in cooperation with Grassi-Museum für Völkerkunde, Leipzig)
Imani Jacqueline Brown, artist, activist and researcher, London


Tuesday, 16th of January 2024, 6 p.m.

Decolonial Visions II (in cooperation with Grassi-Museum für Völkerkunde, Leipzig)

Macarena Gómez-Barris, Professor of Modern Culture and Media, Brown University, Providence

NEW ZOOM Link:  https://eu02web.zoom-x.de/j/65030253701?pwd=d0dGajludG83dU1kY2dwc0xKSm5QQT09