Eröffnung: Fr | 31.03.2023 | 19:00 Uhr
Datum: Sa | 01.04.2023
So | 16.04.2023
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Ort: SPARE WHEEL Gallery | Avenue Wielemans Ceuppens 145 | Brüssel | Belgien


Milena Wojhan + Ludwig Abraham
Julia Emslander
Lukas Hoffman
Maximilian Haja
Tamy Plank
Leontine Koehn
Jonas Gstattenbauer
Anja Lekavski
Ludwig Dressler


Salon M displays eleven Munich based artist each unique in their own fields. The Salon approached the artists to show a piece out of their desire, With the aims to bring new topics and experiences to the table. The group is a selection by Julie De Kezel who was invited by SPARE WHEEL to present a show. As a result she choose to show a fragment of the many interesting young artists she met during her three year stay in Munich.