+49 / 89 / 38 52 -125

Lehrstuhlvertretung  - Klasse für Bildhauerei (ehem. Prof. Alexandra Bircken)


Raphaela Vogel’s practice is installation-based, fusing sculpture, sound, and film, often appearing in iterations of the latter as herself. Vogel plays with varied media and materials to generate energy and tension, finding uncanny harmonies among seemingly disparate source imagery. Through her works, Vogel’s pushes the viewer into disruptive, fantastical territories.

Raphaela Vogel will also have solo exhibitions in 2024 at Petzel Gallery at the gallery’s Chelsea location in January 2024, and will be complemented by an artist talk and live performance event at the Goethe-Institut New York as well as at institutions including Kunsthalle Gießen, Germany and Centre d’art contemporain – la synagogue de Delme, France.

The artist was included in the 2022 Venice Biennale exhibition The Milk of Dreams, curated by Cecilia Alemani, and has had recent solo exhibitions at institutions such as De Pont Museum of Contemporary Art, Tilburg, Netherlands (2023); Kunstverein am Rosa-Luxembug-Platz, Berlin, DE (2023); Le Confort Moderne, Poitiers FR (2021), Kleiner Wasserspeicher, Berlin, DE (2021); Neues Museum, Nürnberg, DE (2020); Kunsthaus Bregenz, DE (2019); Haus der Kunst, Munich, DE (2019); Leopold-Hoesch-Museum, Düren, DE (2018); Kunsthalle Basel, Switzerland (2018); Kunstpalais, Erlangen (2018); Westfälischer Kunstverein, Munster, DE (2016); Bonner Kunstverein, Bonn, DE (2015), among others.