Preis der Franz Altmann-Stiftung

Le Bâteau Ivre, Panty Paradise
paintings, drawings, magazine, music, live-performances


An immersive experience: Aelita le Quément and Veronica Burnuthian aka Panty Paradise „queer transbian art machine“ invite you to the drunken boat, based on the poem of poet Arthur Rimbaud. It is a voyage to a new land, through chaotic waves, feelings of high, stormy weather: but victory is near as we are holding the solid hull and firm core of the engine together.


Aelita le Quément is presenting her paintings serie with the title „room with a view“ about the concept of mortality and value, opening up to different worlds: different stories in an uncomfortable setting, different enigmatic realities, different steps in life from growing as a person to overcoming adversity.


Veronica Burnuthian is presenting her solo-Album „Sterner Stuff“ in a row of listening sessions. The work is an ambient electronic idm glitch experience with lyrics in armenian, english, french, german thematising her armenian heritage, queer identity, women’s sexual freedom and generational grief. A set of aquarell drawings and booklet will accompany the audible work.





09.02. 17 – 18 Uhr Listening Session „Sterner Stuff“

10.02. 17 – 18 Uhr Listening Session „Sterner Stuff“

11.02. 17 – 18 Uhr Listening Session „Sterner Stuff“

12.02. 17 – 18 Uhr Listening Session „Sterner Stuff“

13.02. 17 – 18 Uhr Listening Session „Sterner Stuff“



08.02. 21 Uhr Spinnen live
10.02. 19 Uhr Panty Paradise & Florian Donnerstag 11.02. 16 Uhr TAF Autogrammstunde

