Schirin Kretschmann u.a. | Ausstellung
Eröffnung: Do | 09.03.2023 | 12:00 Uhr
Datum: Fr | 10.03.2023
Di | 16.05.2023
Öffnungszeiten: Do - Sa | 16:00 - 19:00 Uhr und nach Vereinbarung
Ort: Galleria Mario Iannelli | Via Flaminia 380 | Rom | Italien


Artists: Stanislao Di Giugno, Paula Doepfner, Panos Famelis, Schirin Kretschmann, Nathan Peter, Mimmo Rotella, Diana Sirianni, Yorgos Stamkopoulos, Marianna Uutinen.


The title refers to the attitude of the artists invited to an "unmaking" that creates the form and that experiences the limits of support, matter, space and time within a continuous process of deconstruction and reconstruction implemented in the work.


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